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Skin Care Beauty Rever Vitamin C Soufle Shower Body Exfoliating Anti
Cellulite 120g
  • Skin Care Beauty Rever Vitamin C Soufle Shower Body Exfoliating Anti
Cellulite 120g

Skin Care Beauty Rever Vitamin C Soufle Shower Body Exfoliating Anti Cellulite 120g

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An exfoliant that gently renews and refines the skin and which also has a draining effect and anti-cellulite action – all during the shower!

The Biomarine Rever C Soufle bath body scrub contains powerful active ingredients that reduce skin roughness, while fragrant and hydrating.

And the advantage of this product is that it contains Vitamin C from Pitanga, Acerola and Orange Extracts, and Nano Caffeine, which has a draining and anti-cellulite action on the skin. !

Test the practical aspect of promoting skin renewal, hydrating, fragrant, draining and even fighting cellulite in the shower!

The Biomarine Rever C Soufle bath body scrub contains:

- Pitanga extract

- Acerola extract

- Orange extract

- Soluble crystals

-Nano Caffeine"
